Homeopathic Narratives: How Nature Heals

Join people around the world who are looking to learn about medicines provided by nature to remedy the human condition. Become aware of what true healing is about, and rethink mistaken concepts of health, disease and vitality. Know that the body can heal with codes from nature. Listen to homeopathic narratives as we discover, together, how nature heals.

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2 days ago

Individualized medicine means that your set of symptoms are your own personal collection and we misunderstand symptoms when we consider them accidental and/or a set of predetermined generalized syndromes or diseases that everyone experiences.  Symptoms are not accidental and they are signs and responses to different things happening to the individual.  Trying to collect them into syndromes means you are treating something that does not exist.
Narratives that can provide more insight into better understanding this episode are 23, 30, 34, 35, 49 and 119.  For those with no prior knowledge of homeopathy, listening to N2-5 may help you reach a basic understanding of homeopathy, its principles and how remedies work.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint.  Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

N153: Autism and Neurodiversity

Wednesday Feb 26, 2025

Wednesday Feb 26, 2025

Autism and Neurodiversity are topics that elicit strong responses but need to be discussed.  This is a conversation to look at remedies that are used as a result of their impact on the neurological systems of people as well as their impact when taken out of the ground on the human system.  Not working with nature, counteracting nature or trying to do better than nature has brought us to neurological damage on an epidemic scale. Nature needs to be aloud to take a leadership role if we are to better our neurological system and prevent neurodiversity when it is unwanted.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint.  Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Wednesday Feb 19, 2025

When experiencing chronic disease or symptoms that are too strong for the ‘wessen’ the body will create a physical symptom to allay the inner chronic disease.  In this way, allowing the body to be distracted so as to take away the symptoms of the continuous disease.  Antibiotics and antivirals also cause a stronger set of symptoms and thus damage which when no longer in play cause the body to experience a worsening or return to the previous set of symptoms.  The body does this as we see in aphorisms 201-203.  The body does it to give us a break from a more stressful dis-ease, but it also causes long term damage.  A homeopathic remedy or a downloaded ‘file’ (what we call viruses or bacteria) can help the body go back to the original problem after this small distraction and try to correct whatever was needed and allayed.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint.  Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Wednesday Feb 12, 2025

Stomach ulcers are part of what modern medicine refers to as Ulcerative Colitis and diverticula are the pouches that form in the stomach walls. Each of these are seen as different ‘disease’ but ultimately are about the walls of the stomach and one being the pus filled holes, the other the pouches.  Both ulcers and diverticulosis have bleeding, belly pain, cramping, diarrhea as their guiding symptoms.  This is a look at the importance of keeping a good bowel flora, good stomach acid level and eating food according to your body’s needs and blood type.  Homeopathic remedies as per usual are based on the totality of symptoms, but bowel nosodes as well as other remedies will be needed. 
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint.  Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Wednesday Feb 05, 2025

The three S’s for fungal infections of the foot as well as ringworm herpetic eruptions is Sulfur/Sulphur, Sepia and Silicea.  These three remedies as well as Rhus tox, Graphites and Calcarea Carbaonica are good homeopathic remedies for tinea pedis.  In addition to these remedies, the source/substance/organ remedy is tricophoyton rubrum, the fungus that causes ringworm.  The nosodes that help include ringworm, tuberculinum and bacilinum.  Making a water dose and leaving it on the skin on the area for twenty minutes if done consistently will make all the difference.  It will take time, but the itchiness is usually the first thing to go.  Being on a constitutional remedy is very necessary, but often the body will not consider the fungus to be on the top priority.  Repeatedly applying a liquid water dose on the area frequently will hopefully do the trick. Remember the body can cure itself when needed.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint.  Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Wednesday Jan 29, 2025

The group of remedies in the parasites, fungi, viruses and lichen groups pose a larger question regarding the ways we group kingdoms as we experience a limited human-based understanding of nature and the environment around us.  This is the first on this group of remedies and it begins a journey into the worlds of misunderstood helpers we have turned into perpetrators and destroys of health when we should be looking at them as custodians of health who get rid of waste and rotting death to allow health to prosper in their place.  Frans Vermeulen has two books called Fungi and Monera and we will start by looking at them to better understand how to view viruses within in this body of remedies.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint.  Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Wednesday Jan 22, 2025

Dreams play a large part in case-taking in homeopathy as discussed previously in the narrative on dreams in case taking.  Here I would like to discuss the idea that we dream the things we cannot express during the day and the dreams we then have are curative and part of the picture of the remedy we express in dis-ease. Using the repertory to find expressions of self and signs and symptoms not expressed by the patient can often be done when looking for the rare and peculiar symptoms in the dream world.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint.  Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Wednesday Jan 15, 2025

Anger is like a vacuum left when no love exists.  It is also the end product of injecting substances that can then cross the blood- brain barrier.  Remedies for anger are often plant remedies because the anger is explosive and the individual feels offended with indignation which is a sensitivity that plants have.  Animal remedies can have an aggressive type of anger as well and so can people needing mineral remedies.  A constitutional remedy, therefore, is the best choice for angry patients.  Being on the spectrum with germaphobia, ADHD, OCD and spinning anger often needs the cancer nosode.  Coping with children who have anger issues is often also a socialization issue that depends on us changing much of how we educated our children.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint.  Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Wednesday Jan 08, 2025

New patients sometimes do not continue homeopathic care because it is not clear what happens  next.  The homeopathic intake consultation is not a diagnostic but rather a way of getting a good constitutional based on the best totality of symptoms a non-biased homeopath can find at first glance.  The follow ups after allow the homeopath to fine tune and confirm the constitutional and the acutes and first aid needs of the patient can be accommodated over the months and years in which the body begins healing itself and slowing down dis-ease and aging.  The responsibility of looking and listening to oneself and then providing feedback to the homeopath can be daunting.  Constantly taking the deepest constitutional for the chronic, acute and first aid states of the body can seem as if the process is not getting better, but over time your allergies disappear, your sleep is great, no more nightmares etc.  The process is a lengthy one, but it is up to you to continue the remedy, you don’t need to speak to the homeopath on every topic.  Keep with your remedy, get a first aid or acute when needed, and remember that homeopathy will keep going until all your dis-eases and pains are being healed by the body.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint.  Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Wednesday Jan 01, 2025

Shedding and sharing germs is a concept that needs a belief in the idea that nature has germs it sends out to harm us, but actually imagine they were actually programs to teach us to overcome possible dangers that may harm us in our natural world.  Maybe a neurological problem in our DNA that nature has a solution to and is giving us to learn from and which clears the DNA for the next generation or allows the knowledge to pass through the program to the next generation. Making the next generation immune and stronger than any creature that could possibly poison or harm us in the natural world.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint.  Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

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