Homeopathic Narratives: How Nature Heals
Join people around the world who are looking to learn about medicines provided by nature to remedy the human condition. Become aware of what true healing is about, and rethink mistaken concepts of health, disease and vitality. Know that the body can heal with codes from nature. Listen to homeopathic narratives as we discover, together, how nature heals.

Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Having a natural birth is one way of ensuring that the next generation is healthier than the previous one. This is the beginning of a few narratives that look at ways to make the next generation healthier than us. Many people feel lost and confused and believe that there is no hope, but there is! There are ways of making you healthier and your offspring with Homeopathy. What we need to do, if natural healing is our choice, is to start by having natural birth our goal and then working with alternative health modalities to support this worthy goal. There are homeopathic remedies that were used by your grandparents and their parents to ease the pain and ensure health during birth and after. Homeopathy is there for you to ensure that not only the strong survive, but also those who may not be the fittest, but are working on making their next generation inherited DNA better than the previous generation's. Homeopaths have 200 years of clinical experience and proving knowledge to make this happen. This episode covers how and why a decision to have a natural birth is not only possible, but desirable.
Remember all information in these podcasts are informational and not for personal health problems. For individual needs, always see a professional because they know your background and what your specific needs are for your health concerns. These are my ideas and although may be helpful to many, they are there as ideas to help you make the choices better for you.

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
How the body heals itself after taking homeopathic medicine is important to take note of as it can help you know what to expect. The expectations are sometimes unclear and when to redose is not always clear. Comparing ourselves to a laptop and a tennis player helps understand the process. A tennis player analogy is one I have used before, but we see the racket as the technology of modern and postmodern medicine, the nutritionist, chiropractor and naturopath emphasize good food, exercise and physical alignment, but if you have never played a game of tennis you will lose against the weakest of opponents because you have not played tennis for a long time. With mother’s milk and time, the immune system becomes fully functional by age 5, but then we need to continue learning how to play with ‘adaptators’ and other substances that we learn and adapt to while learning to stay alive and healthy on Earth. Homeopathy is there to help you if the opponent is stronger than you and you need to get a stronger code to heal your body. The emphasis is that you are the one who is healing, unlike definitions that insist on it being an external substance that healed you.
The laptop is a good analogy to understand that the viruses and other adaptators are ‘software’ problems. Disease does not start as a physical disease or destroyed organ, but rather as a dynamic mistunement – just like an anti-virus.
What do you do once you take a remedy. What does it look like if I am getting better? Homeopathy is a gentle system and the healing crisis needs to be as gentle as possible, according to Hahnemann. The reason you may need help is not because the body cannot heal itself, but rather the remedy boosts the healing crisis or symptom so it is strong enough to carry out a healing sequence. A temperature is an excellent tool the body uses to create the crisis and heal itself. The inflammation is there to heal us, and by taking blockers and pain killers we do not heal our body but make it very sick with deeper pathologies that become syndromes of the entire system.
The body knows what to do, and the natural blocker in the conscious mind as well as the blockers we add will confuse it. Learning from all mothers’ milk is important – we learn from every substance.
If we put sterile substances and artificial substances into ourselves it will cause the body to begin getting so sick it will be hard to reverse. The symptoms are the parts of the expression of substances and if the body has had it injected into the system through bites, stings and other injections you get very sick because the body does not recognize the substance and it is running through the body causing problems and the symptoms are the ones telling us what the substance is.
Healing after taking a remedy is scanning of the body as a result of the code you took. Redosing allows you to see the same scanning returning but some symptoms that don’t come back, like a migraine or a wart, do not return because the body has read the problem and started fixing it. You need to continue taking a remedy because we are continually pushed into a ‘failed state’ because of the multiple substances and the multiple symptoms that these same substances are creating in the body. Medical suppressions will eventually cause a larger group of symptoms because the body now has to also get the body to create the symptoms for the new substances, letting the previous battle continue with it eventually losing that fight as it takes on the new symptoms from the new substance. Because we live in a world that does not give us everything we want at every moment of the day, the chances are that you may have to redose your constitutional remedy every few months or years.
The question for today: Can homeopathy heal autoimmune diseases?
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
What type of teacher is a plant teacher, and what type of teachers do plant energies becomes? As we have with the other two kingdoms, we will look today at the teacher from the plant kingdom. Despite my incorrect numbering of the last narrative…lol…this is in fact, narrative 22, a narrative on The Teacher from the Plant Kingdom. Looking at the sensitivities of people is looking at how they are predisposed to judge. Instead of saying, well teachers should probably not be, they are by definition because they share what they learned. The compensation of plants makes them more sensitive to others and also more predisposed to helping students avoid doing or learning something by preventing the same thing from happening to them, but life is about life happening and not avoiding it because sometime in the past something bad happened to you. Health is the flexibility to have the experience and move on naturally without holding on to the past. Students are not encouraged to venture out of their comfort zones and as a result may be prevented from experiencing life for themselves. The obsession with safety and avoiding being hurt is a sensitivity of all kingdoms, but for animals it is about avoiding being hurt to keep from being seen as not strong enough to play their part in the group, minerals accept weakness as part of the structure, but plants are highly sensitive to pain on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and as seen in Sankaran’s sensation method we see a compensation happening with plants that attempt to avoid the exact experience that defines them.
Teachers from the plant kingdom may be the elementary school teachers. Being the stronger one who keeps the vulnerable safe from being hurt can be seen in the compostitae or Asteraceae family whose compensation is to be so hurt and trampled that they work at preventing others from being hurt; so does the coniferae and pinales who feel brittle and frail and help others get support who feel that way. The anacardiaceae know what it is like to not be able to move and how much better they are if always on the move. Being a gym teacher and encouraging kids to keep moving and exercising and walking it out would be where this teacher would find their expression. Being a teacher is about learning and then teaching, but in today’s public education system it has become a case of many people being mentally unbalanced where they cannot see the difference between the reality in front of them and the fears that provide them with the reassuring compensation that no matter how they are experiencing the world, they can prevent others from doing it. The righteousness that pervades discourse today seems to be full of it. People are not allowed to express their own perspectives without the other being offended, and offended is hurt on a mental level. How many of those teachers do we see who behave as bullies themselves, but are in fact looking to be the tough guy to shield and protect others so they won’t be hurt, a compensation of the daisy and sunflower family.
A carpenter will teach to prefer one wood over another because of their natural understanding of woods, but also for their preference as seen in the compensations. Here our language and the language of the learning experience shows the energy of the connection between the helper and the one who needs help.
The elementary teacher in her classroom with allocated stations and specific activities in those stations, like a garden that has certain places for each plant and each plant’s needs are met there. The right amount of sun, shade, water, hydration and attention given to each individual grouping of people in their allocated spots. Not allowing any movement as that would mess up the garden. Interesting the word kindergarten.
Question for today:
How does being on a medication for years impact our mental decisions?
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint. The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
In the past few narratives, we looked at the mineral kingdom and their fear of loss of structure due to a weakness, and the strength and dominance vs weak. Plants including many large groups of species, including the fungi, and Vermeulen has a Materia Medica, Kingdom Fungi that is essential in understanding the different fungi, the fairies and the Santa Claus experience of red and white and gifts arriving on a flying sledge with reindeers pulling it. Avatar is a great narrative that shows the mining of ‘unobtainium’ that we never did find on Earth which in the plot we have destroyed. The plants are the direct creation of the Earth. We learn from plants as we eat and live with them; they are the living part of the Earth itself. Animals process plants and we get the plants from the animals. Bacteria process the plants and turn them into remedies.
Jan Scholten talks about plants in his book, which shows the mineral perception, and then there is the combination duo of the homeopaths Vermuelen and Johnson who look at the minerals in the plant from a mix of mineral and plant sensitivities.
When you read the book, Wonderful Plants by Scholten you see a mineral energy explaining plants from a mineral perception. The building up of the structure of the chemical make-up of a plant in order to explain what it is does seem a little one-sided. But this is the nature of bias, and the reason why it is so important for a homeopathic practitioner to have a good Similimum for their own chronic state so as to be more aware of their own limitations and strengths.
Rajan Sankaran has an amazing 3 books on some main plant families and has an excellent cheat sheet in the form of a book called Sankaran’s Plant Sensations in Pictures with source Words which summaries sensations from these 3 volumes on the main experiences of plants called An Insight into Plants Volumes 1, 11 and 111. Michal Yakir has her own cheat sheet and her own system of understanding plants and their development through the human consciousness. When looking at the sensations of plants as Sankaran has shown we can certainly better understand the sensations and their compensations, but we can also see the amazing anthology of Plants that Vermeulen and Johnston wrote together. Which looks at the family, the tribes, the chemical compounds and poisons running through the plants and everything botanical that we need to know about the plant family.
The question for today:
What is the importance of a kingdom for the patient?
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
We all take part in the progression of minerals in our bodies from the day we are conceived. And as they built our bodies we learn about the minerals and how they are forming us. We learn of carbon and silicium which are integral to our early existence as are calcium phosphorus and the other salts and partial salts in the tissue salts. Mineral remedies are therefore often well indicated remedies for babies and young children because their development is reliant on substances that are building blocks of the system. In Jan Scholten’s look at the minerals as well as Sankaran, we see this unfolding of growing, growing up and growing old as natural of the progression in each of the series and the specific remedy that falls under each stage.
We do not need to ask where the teacher from the mineral kingdom has gone, because we have so many of them in Ontario. They are taught as a profession, separate from their subject matter. When they teach they need to stick only to the specific material and any deviation is seen as moving into realm in which they have no expertise. The science teachers are given higher positions in expertise and a doctor of something is even used as a form of reference to a teacher who has achieved what is perceived to be a higher form or achievement. The mineral destruction of animals and plants is not at a point where it has invaded the world as the main perception of a large group of people. The WEF as well as the World Bank, the WHO and the New Reset instructions as seen in the WEF outline of how they would like to see the world be the best world for the mineral perception. The Economy and money based on gold and silver are all part of their world. The inclusion now of technology and its currencies also included in the world and representing the uranium series and other minerals. So, the teacher we see today who is considered as a great teacher is a mineral one who falls within stage 7.
The word invaded can come from many kingdoms, such as invasive species of plants, the fungi who have invasion as their main sensitivity, and the ants that invade other nests as well as the invasion of kings and queens to overtake lands and conquer to rule supreme as seen in the minerals. Looking at the mental decision to become a teacher and the perspective of the teaching profession in the world today, it is best to look at stage 7 of the periodic table. Once we have a look at the teachers and the words specific to the mineral teacher we see the lack of diversity today – which is ironic considering the claim that the schools have become more diverse. Looking at how diversity has been eradicated because people are not healthy and their perceptions have clouded their judgement to the point that they can only see everyone as reflections of themselves.
The teachers and the different series that connect with this stage 7.
Manganum – the teacher, Technetium- car mechanic teaching/helping others to restore Vintage Cars, Promethium-teaches others how to run their businesses well, Rhenium – the manager who leads, Neptunium – cooperating in spirituality, the one who has made the link between the DNA and intuition as seen in their genetic diseases and their desire to rule and lead and teach not only their own generation or their own area, but also the world or even the universe!
Question for today: What has made us so ill on all levels, life choices, dream world, physical symptoms and mental emotional health today?
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Narrative 17 was a look at the animal kingdom and then a look in narrative 18 at the teacher and the assistant, the coach and then the occupation of the teacher. This narrative is the perspective of the mineral kingdom. As a practitioner these methods of understanding remedies and the patients also helps if the practitioner is aware of their own perception. It is important to remember that we humans and when things are out of order we behave in a way too close to our energy. When the human DNA and the energy is in balance, we are socially apt human beings. The mineral kingdom is about structure and the sensitivity of being able to keep a stable structure, and if not, there is failure due to this structural weakness.
Jan Scholten and Rajan Sankaran have amazing books on how to choose a better remedy when the remedy is not that well known, and thankfully they have cheat sheets which are amazing.
The characteristics of minerals are experienced when choosing the remedy as their ductility, malleability, conductivity, hardness, brittleness and so on.
Chemistry is the exact size because it is the systematic look at the minerals in the world through a mineral perception.
When someone needs a remedy or you want to prescribe more remedies you can use the kingdoms to help, remembering that the separations into kingdoms like any structural creation to explain perception is eventually going to need to include the bias. That does not mean we can’t use them, but we need to be aware as we include perceptions how our own one is working. Minerals have personality like any other living things on Earth. They combine and end up into salts, crystals, fluorescents, rocks, gas, air, water forms and so on. They can transform. Again a recommendation for Jan Scholten is his two books, The Secret Lanthanides and Homeopathy and The Elements. The Element Table is a ‘cheat’ sheet for the major sensations and perceptions for the mineral remedies is worth using as well. Handing out a remedy and working with remedies whether as a practitioner or a family healer is good because we are all really homeopaths at heart when we see that homeopathy is a good natural choice of medicine to help us stay healthy and/or reach health. When looking at the kingdoms we see the relationship between titanium and malus (apple remedy from the Rosaceae family), and silver and thiosinaminum (mustard family). The relationship is there because of the amount of the minerals from that series that we see in the plant. Once again this shows the superficial nature of separating kingdoms as if the separation is systematic, but in life things are often unexpected.
Question for today: What is the role of kingdoms in global carbon change?
The change in our energy patterns have brought us to the minerals and increasing mineral release through mining and chemical concentrations in food and drugs has broken the natural balance of Earth. On Earth the Carbon increase as we are all carbon beings is the issue. We became obsessed with carbon because we are carbon life-forms.
We were possibly once animal energies, and as we became Agrarian with farming we started to spend a lot more time around plants and then animals were sacrificed while plants became the central energy; mining became an obsession with colonization and the destruction of the land to extract concentrations, and we now have many babies and many people having minerals running their perception which when we look at gasoline and lithium we start seeing the results of the choices we make of what we take out of the Earth to supposedly make our lives better. The industrial revolutions are certainly a perceptive from the iron and then silver remedies.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Where has the teacher from the animal kingdom gone? The definition of a teacher has been taken out of context. We have taken sections of life and artificially separated them into certain cubbies. Instead of providing students and other people who work with teachers and helpers with those who they can identify, today we see one type of teacher in schools and that is why they have gone from educational institutions to places of indoctrination.
The animal kingdom includes many sub-kingdoms. The energies running a country do not represent everyone but they see themselves as being the majority and others who are not like them are the fringe groups.
The teacher is not limited in the animal perception and includes many words like doctor (teach in Latin), assist, coach, help, benevolent. Demonstrating, showing and sharing is the center of what teaching is. Anyone who desires to cooperate, share their capacity, no matter what is teaching. Unlike the mineral kingdom who define the teacher as a profession that has to behave in a very narrow definition depending on the mineral series – which will be covered in a future narrative.
The spiders and reptiles are from the animal kingdom. Doing a proving is the best place to find the experience of a remedy. Homeopathic provings are experiments done by healthy people who then experience the remedy in a double or triple blind study and the essence of the remedy through the multiple perceptions of many people.
We are human with human DNA and the other song is an energy system that comes from different substance on Earth that we have separated into kingdoms. Homeopathy from Today’s World – again recommended as the one who discovered the method of understanding a larger inventory of remedies by looking at kingdoms. Rajan Sankaran points out 3 postulates that homeopathy has incorporated which explains how we react to situations. Our actions mimic what we perceive is being done to us. So, if you perceive yourself as being insulted even if you are not, you will insult back. The second postulate on p111, the sensitivity always denotes the opposite as well – if you are sensitive to harmony then discord is something you are also impacted by. The last point to remember is that you are everything both the things and people you like as well as the ones you don’t. You would be surprised at how many from the European Royalty use homeopathy.
Insects, reptiles and arachnids. They are an interesting group, but feared by many especially minerals and plant energies.
p.61, the theme of survival of the fittest with strength and competition being central. Attractiveness, attention seeking, getting the upper hand, and strength keeps us in the group which allows for survival. Looking at nature, we learn. No one person can give you the laws of nature, you need to observe them. There are characteristics of the animals which people have depending on the animal.
Mammals are group energies and many are teachers. Then you have birds who play a large part in the energy of teaching, supporting, sight and wisdom as seen in the proving of Great Horned Owl. Peter Fisher has a book on this proving that was mentioned in a previous narrative.
When we teach one way and decide to make all teachers from one perspective we miss out on real teaching and end up with brainwashing instead!
Question for today: How do we integrate tissue salts into homeopathy?
Email me with questions at hownatureheals@gmail.com
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
The animal kingdom is in fact not one kingdom, but many different ones.
The best place for anyone to learn about a remedy is through the proving of it, but we don’t have enough time or place to prove everything and this is where similarities in kingdoms and families helps find a more appropriate remedy. I personally use single remedies when looking for the Similimum and use the modern sensation method, the source method as done by Dr. Divya Chhabra and use rubrics and repertory if the symptom is rare and peculiar. I find my case taking to always have been about the part that doesn’t make sense in a case and then the remedy is of the rare and peculiar type.
When you are looking for a first aid remedy for your family with a limited amount of formal or apprenticed learning then you do not have to use any specific case taking because you are looking for an acute remedy and not a constitutional. Using a first aid book for your family then becomes a wonderful guide to choosing a remedy from a well indicated list of a few given to you by a practitioner. A constitutional remedy is found by someone learning or having completed the teachings of homeopathy as laid out in the Organon of the Medical Art. When looking for the most appropriate remedy for an acute ailment for someone in your circle of family and friends you would not use the knowledge of the kingdoms and so on because the remedy you are seeking will not address the chronic disease. The concepts of kingdoms is explained in detail in a book I highly recommended by Rajan Sankaran: Homeopathy for Today’s World . Sometimes we use the kingdom to better understand the patient’s individual picture. On page 60, Sankaran talks about the Animal Song.
On the subject of the Animal Kingdom, we have remedies from quite a few sub kingdoms: ocean remedies with their own groupings, birds, mammals, reptiles, insects, arachnids, and remedies made from bacteria and other living animals, we even have the amoeba remedy. When looking at homeopathy and animals I am reminded of first nations and would like to read a section of a book that has captured what people call the native myths. Someone once asked me what the difference is between a myth and a religion, and I think I said something about having people still alive who believe it is true. Those religions no one believes anymore, but can still learn from are Myths.. So, despite the unfortunate use of the word mythology to represent the first nation understandings of Earth, her medicine, and her teachings, I would like to read a section of the book that shows the nature of animal energies finding the eternal message of mother nature and the secret to unleashing the energy in a remedy through water. Chapter 2 on the Iroquois myths and legends: The Animal’s Medicine
The book is, The Illustrated Guide to North American Mythology, Lewis Spence, introduced by Arthur Cotterel. We read how first nations learnt to make natural (homeopathic) remedies in their teachings as well as the knowledge of being near the source of the energy that makes up your spirit/source energy/wessen. First nation would wait until later to give an individual their spirit name. I believe that we were probably more animal remedies and then later there developed the plant and mineral remedies. The fact that many began to wipe out animals and grow gardens, and then many today wipe out plants as they grow mineral cities, shows the move in the nature of humans today. In the 5 Books of Moses, also known as the Tanach, and in the Bible as the First Testament, it is written how man was to care for animals. This need to be with the energy you have an affinity is often told in first nation stories to show Nature’s way of keeping us close to our source.
Question for today: Do all homeopaths use the knowledge of kingdoms?
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
A reminder that we are talking about nanoparticles when we speak of homeopathic dilutions that are codes, and to make the remedy we need only a DNA level amount of the source substance to make a homeopathic remedy.
The miasma theory and the germ theory have developed into two very different systems of medicine, modern medicine has embraced the idea that germs and other toxins attack us while we are constantly in need of protection of vaccines and antibiotics to fight Earth that does not try to make us healthier and that humans are too diseased to fight of infection. The miasma theory has developed since the end of the 1800’s into natural modalities such as homeopathic medicine where with the help of Earth’s life-giving substances we interact with substances on Earth that help us grow into strong adults and then help us finally leave the physical body in a gentle way. These two theories are not in contrast with each other when understanding that there are pathogens that pass through air, contact and water, but when Earth’s natural remedies are denied by modern medicine, homeopathy embraces the concept of a ‘wessen’ that is mistuned not just on the physical level, but also the mental, emotional and dream world/spiritual levels. Keeping ourselves ready to play tennis and playing opponents successfully makes us healthier and better able to adapt on life on Earth. The DNA is then corrupted with psora, psychosis and syphilis that determine the pace of life in people who are born without the disease, but with the miasm.
Homeopathy uses scientific methods of provings to understand remedies and apply them successfully to patients with certain symptom pictures. Homeopaths use Materia Medica books to record remedies and their clinical pictures from provings and clinical data and they also use Repertories to right up the symptoms as rubrics from all levels of existence and these symptoms with fall under rubrics in the different anatomical sections of the repertory. Synthesis is a very modern and liked repertory written by Dr. Frederik Schroyens.
Today’s question: When do you redose a remedy?
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
We are as much genetically modified organisms (GMO) as any others, we are just not so aware of it. It is the increase in allergic reactions and the substances we put into our bodies through the mouth and injections that are increasing our allergic responses to anything and everything we come into contact with. Gmo substances like glyphosate used in pesticides and plastics in messenger RNA injected with polyethylene glycol in 2 of the 3 main mRNA vaccines are turning us into genetically modified organisms which is consistent with Schwab’s promise in his Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Some people experience such sudden and persistent symptoms stemming from a variety of causes that they literally say to me, it is as if I am allergic to life itself! Where do these causes come from and how do we approach them homeopathically? As we discussed the difference between acute pain and chronic disease, here too do these two different types of disease play their roles. Miasms are DNA paces and predispositions that allow us to respond in a very different way to life. Being allergic to life is a sign you are very sick and need to make a change. There are fast working homeopathic remedies that can help stabilize the system by providing some codes to help the body start reading the problem. And once you have started with remedies and see the shift in the system you can get a constitutional remedy for your chronic state which will ensure your allergies lessen over time, and even disappear with the redosing of your constitutional.
Question of the week – if Homeopathy is such an amazing system of medicine, why don’t more people use it?
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.