Homeopathic Narratives: How Nature Heals

Join people around the world who are looking to learn about medicines provided by nature to remedy the human condition. Become aware of what true healing is about, and rethink mistaken concepts of health, disease and vitality. Know that the body can heal with codes from nature. Listen to homeopathic narratives as we discover, together, how nature heals.

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Wednesday Apr 06, 2022

This is the second of a three part narrative on homeopathy as a science and an art: Pt1- we want these codes; Pt2-we know these codes.
How at conception we have a power source from nature that is connected to the Earth’s gravity and somehow this power source or sources activate the reproduction of life as encoded in the DNA. Nothing on Earth is alive without a power source and energy does not die, just changes form.  How and why is not my place as a human, but where we see this and how we experience this and how nature on Earth has given us codes to heal anything going wrong is such a beauty to behold. What a terrible tragedy it would be to have this true life taken away from us.  The level of decline in happiness as we bombard our systems with concentrated substance from Opioids to peanut butter.
The medical profession has seen this energy and even uses it to clone animals, but as humans that are playing with toys that they cannot fathom, they create a life that is not inherently of this planet.
What we see as symptoms are the abilities of well diluted substances to have an impact on our health system to create a symptom.
A homeopathic remedy is made from natural substances that have codes that teach us how to make symptoms because it is these symptoms that are our ability to play against our opponents and learn to be stronger to eventually adapt to the everchanging electro-gravitational force in relation to the physical organisms on Earth – what we call Earth life.
Proving a substance was first done by Homeopathic Medicine as it is a medicine that uses nature’s codes and has existed in its organized version for at least 200 years. It was rediscovered by Samuel Hahnemann when he was tired of killing patients as a medical physician and started translating texts from ancient medicine texts as he spoke over 12 languages. 
The book, ORGANON OF THE MEDICAL ART as previously suggested is a great resource when looking at Provings, Chapter 4.
Provings are homeopathic tests for a medicine.  Unlike modern medicine and post-modern medicine, homeopathic medicine does not do Provings or experiments are unhealthy people.  Anyone who is symptom free can do a proving that is often double or triple blind and observed by a supervisor while the subject is keeping a journal.
The first proving on chinchona bark- Peruvian bark and its relation to quinine.
What are we fighting for when we say we are fighting for nature’s cures?
The question for today
How do we integrate nature’s codes into the use of other systems of medicine? Choice is above all the ultimate end of any life-experience.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint.  Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

Tuesday Mar 29, 2022

The original concept of ‘vaccine’ is homeopathic in nature..
The DNA and RNA and epigenomes, instinct and so many other aspects of codes we cannot fathom yet, should be healed nature’s way and not the pos-modern absurd greed-orientated synthetic manipulations that have a high probability of ending our species on its most fundamental level.
Homeopathic  medicine is about using non-molecular codes of substances that interact on a vibrational level, healing through finding out what is dis-eased in the patient and a correlating remedy that can create the same disease when proving it. Using codes from natural medicines and use the secondary response.
 Allopathic medicine is about emergency medicine and suppressing and/or counteracting the body’s response, which is needed in certain circumstances, but most of the time using the primary response. Referred to as modern medicine.
Medicines such as naturopathic and Ayurvedic medicine work with the concentrated substance or edible substance – their medicines also going through the gut, but including teas and other molecular dilutions. Their medicines are always molecular and attempt to direct the body using the primary response.
What is happening today.  For lack of a better word, I had decided to call it Post-modern Medicine both for the association between postmodern and the absurd which in literature is similar. To my surprise when I looked up to see if anyone else was using the term I came upon 3 interesting definitions.
A vaccine in principal is a homeopathic concept – as an anti-venom or as a vaccine of a product provided in essence by nature vs made-made and crafted substance.  What is the difference?
The nature of greed and how much is enough.
Combining the desire to be right with the desire to be crowned with a progressive achievement makes a worldwide view that can be based on one flawed concept that then creates a scientific medical model based on an error.
The question of today
Can the body naturally reverse the diseases we carry in our genes? When we use natural codes childhood chronic disease decreases with each generation.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint.  Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.
I recommend the books:
Cowan, Thomas S, Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness, Chelsea Green Publishing, 2018
Hahnemann, Samuel. Organon of the Medical Art.

Monday Mar 21, 2022

If you have never heard of homeopathic medicine you are faced with two challenges: learning about something you never knew existed and realizing that despite the fact that it works it is still kept from many and even made illegal in certain countries and states.
Homeopathic principles of cure are based on the secondary reaction of the body and use non-molecular codes of substance as seen in the quantum nature of DNA and RNA. Using codes from natural medicines. Unlike other system of medicine: allopathic medicine is about emergency medicine and suppressing and/or counteracting the body’s response, which is needed in certain circumstances, but most of the time using the primary response (anti-venom/vaccines different); while medicines such as naturopathic and Chinese medicine work with the concentrated substance or edible substance – their medicines also go through the gut, and include teas and other molecular dilutions. Their medicines are always molecular and attempt to direct the body using the primary response.
What a coded and quantum medicine is.
The differences between the medical modalities and their uses.
Why nature’s way of healing is homeopathic.
Why we need to do it nature’s way.
What Klaus Schwab’s artificial intelligence algorithm based medicine means in the long term.
How they worked at making sure you forgot all this!
Although in the immediate need an injection may keep you alive, over a predicted amount of time all injected substances become a problem to the body.  Injecting anything into the body is most likely going to cause an autoimmune response.
How the body’s automatic brain has circuits that read code – what does disease look like and how does the body respond to suppression.
Looking at the books suggested in Narrative One (N1)
The Question of the Day:
Where and how do we access first aid Homeopathy?
Don’t forget to email your questions that need answering to
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint.  Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

N1: Choosing Nature

Thursday Mar 17, 2022

Thursday Mar 17, 2022

Today, the need for natural medicine has become crucial in order to prevent the integration of suppressive invasive medicine from destroying this generation and the generations to come. As such this episode is a call to action.
Homeopathic medicine is government regulated in Ontario.  It is also regulated in other provinces through associations.
Information will be accessed through sources such as books, personal interviews/discussions and journals.
Original source will be suggested.  The first 2 sources include: The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert. F. Kennedy & The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab
The perspective is homeopathic and individual, but is representative of an ancient understanding of the medicine provided by the Earth.
A question will be posed in the last section of each episode, and the host will share any questions sent to the email: hownatureheals@gmail.com
The question posed in episode 1: What does it mean to heal naturally.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

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