Homeopathic Narratives: How Nature Heals
Join people around the world who are looking to learn about medicines provided by nature to remedy the human condition. Become aware of what true healing is about, and rethink mistaken concepts of health, disease and vitality. Know that the body can heal with codes from nature. Listen to homeopathic narratives as we discover, together, how nature heals.
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
We continue discussing the different remedies and how to apply them to the patient who has flu and is in need of a remedy. The important thing when giving a natural remedy is that we do not apply it allopathically, but rather homeopathically. There is no remedy for headaches or flu. There is influenzinum and other nosodes that work well at the start of a flu or cold, but when a patient has influenza it is necessary to ensure that the body is helped by strengthening the response of the body itself to finish what it started. Remember you are adapting to substances when symptoms appear, and as a result you need to respect the body’s healing kit: fever and chills, inflammation and pain. You want to use source words and the rare and peculiar to make sure this happens. When you let the body use the well-indicated remedy you will see that the fever may get worse and so on because it needs to in order to adapt and live. The remedy will always help the body do what it needs to without getting things messed up. With age and youth, this adaptation can be difficult and therefore one needs to ensure the individual’s health needs are being met throughout the process of influenza. Using a qualified homeopath for anything that looks like it has worsened is important when using natural medicine.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Influenza is similar to colds that have body aches, chills and fatigue accompanying them. When someone has the flu and you are looking for a remedy, it is important to include the concomitants and ask them how they feel, what the pain experience is, if they are impacted by food, cold, wet, dry, the weather and other environmental impacts. In order to choose a remedy, what you need is to look at a collection of remedies and see how they are different. When taking a case of the flu, I always assume that it could be an exacerbation of the patient’s chronic state whether that be conception remedy or corrupted circuit, and as such finding the source words is the best way to proceed if you are a professional homeopath. Also taking into account that we are adapting to what is happening inside as well as outside ourselves. When we consume concentrations of poisons through overconsumption or consuming concentrations of substances that are not in concentrated forms in nature, like almond milk or flax-seed oil/powder. The remedy is often one that is connected to what we are consuming or injecting and not necessarily a substance that we are adapting from outside. Therefor as per usual, a totality of symptoms and an unprejudiced case-taking will bring us the best remedy. If you are helping your family and choosing a remedy, or helping out your community, it is important to learn which remedies have signs the adaptor has passed over the blood-brain barrier and give the remedies accordingly. Remember to always use professional services for individual health needs.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Colds and homeopathy is a great combination. Remedies are there to help with acute viral symptoms and the remedies work very fast. Sometimes it is good to let your body first work through it, and if after some time there is not improvement, or the cold gets worse and looks like it is turning into flu, a good homeopathic remedy can help the body’s immune response. The remedies that cover the larger totality of symptoms and find the rare and peculiar in the nature of the patient and their experience will have a quicker and more effective response to the deeper acute remedy. But there are first aid remedies that work fast and can help your body alleviate its overwhelming symptoms, but then other remedies often finish the job. Using the book written by Asa Hershofff, A Concise Reference of Understanding Homeopathic Remedies, that I recommended in previous narratives, you can follow the main remedies without having to make an excessive amount of notes. This is to help you create your own batch of remedies ready whenever you need them.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
This is the start of a series of narratives on colds and influenza and how homeopathic remedies help the body heal itself during the cold and flu season. The remedies that will help during the onset and prevent the inflammation from worsening are given as first aid or acute remedies. The main remedies that work are explored and the causations are given for the need for tissue salts and regular homeopathic remedies for inflammation at the start of nasal symptoms and/or sinus symptoms. The remedy will possibly need to be repeated, but the remedy should start working within 24 hours. If the cold cannot be stopped in its tracks, and the body is losing to the opponent (symptoms) then a deeper acute remedy is needed for a set of symptoms your body is not able to read and heal without help. This will be discussed in the later episodes.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
The Uranium Series includes the radioactive elements on the period table that start with Francium and end with Plutonium as the last natural elements, those after, like Curium and Americium are synthetic elements made by radiating natural elements like plutonium. Those needing the remedies from this series have genetic problems that finally end their bloodline. They have neurological diversity and autism and the end of control for them is world domination. They see magic as science and the domination of their will over others. They feel they are struggling for domination over the galaxy and need to prove that that cannot be seen as a material form as seen in technology. Technocrats are self-declared experts and see themselves as the elite that should rule the world because they decided so. They have made robots in their image, but actually the more they can imitate the automatic mind through computers and robotics the less they truly have connections with the automatic brain, the system that keeps us genetically healthy. For them Artificial intelligence medicine is their only choice, which may be true considering the fact that radioactive materials where never meant exist on Earth in these numbers. Understanding the uranium series is understanding why the new world order run by technocrats to create a technocracy sees nuclear power as ‘green’.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Today patients are injected with so many substances, we have unbelievable environmental toxins and we are so dis-eased that taking a case that is chronic and giving a deep constitutional remedy will create scanning of symptoms that are ‘returns of old symptoms’ and also that some of these symptoms being scanned were not mentioned in the intake and come out in the follow up, the remedy is still homeopathic and the follow up needs to make sure the symptoms are a return of old symptoms. Aphorism 180 and those before and after it show that Hahnemann was quite aware of such cases, but in his mind these were exceptions and in our world they have become the norm. Despite this, being an unprejudiced observer is also a challenge for the homeopath due to the miasms at play with both the perception and pace of the patient and the homeopath. Being healthy and aware of your own miasm is a must in taking a good case and having a successful follow up. You need to hear what is in front of you without your own state impacting the outcome.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
The follow up appointment for a deep constitutional remedy can be a challenge for both the homeopath and the patient. The patient is facing things they may never have experienced before and their conscious mind is all about fear and it is driven by a miasmatic state that drives the pace of experience. The homeopath needs the information from the scanning that happens after taking a good constitutional remedy, and the patients is now in need of explaining themselves using a part of the brain that wants to be liked and often will lie and make up stories as well as deny what is being experienced, and this happens for a variety of reasons. The most important thing to remember when giving your homeopath feedback during a follow up is that you are there to make sure that this remedy is a good fit and that any return of old symptoms and improvements in other areas is a sign of this. The patient may sometimes need support after the scanning because it happens in all realms of existence: physical, mental, emotional, dream world, energy and life’s purpose. As the patient you are experiencing all this while remembering that fever, inflammation and pain during this scanning is the body’s way of expressing a mistunement that happened and was not corrected efficiently. Antidoting a remedy when this happens will not help provide the needed information during the follow up. Your account is the only one the homeopath can use to know how you are doing on the remedy, and what the remedy is doing for you.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Stress is something that homeopathically we know is mainly internal. It is the discussion our conscious mind has with itself when the perception of the automatic brain is feeding it a story of its own. There are different reasons for stress, and these reasons, such as difficult demands, lack of support, not enough control etc, are covered homeopathically by the rare and peculiar that each remedy, family and kingdom of remedies have that impact our perception. By getting a good constitutional, stress is the first thing to go.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
When looking at mental dis-ease and the mind-body relationship there are multiple factors to take into account and you cannot go with the old way of looking at the mind. We need to see the conscious mind as not conscious of what is happening and is in fact the reason we cannot just be healthy by drinking the water around us from its natural source. The conscious part blocks and by doing that creates fear and that is the place where compensations happen and corrupted circuits that finally bring us to a dis-ease in the system. Miasms are dis-eases that impact our responses through the DNA which is on the ‘instinctive’ level. Then our life-time with our perception can bring us to compensations which are well addressed in Sankaran’s Schema. There are the mineral desires to live up to their ‘potential’ and the animal remedies that need to live in specific groupings to allow their system to feel at ease. These multiple factors need to be taken into account when understanding proving symptoms and which are about the remedy being proved and not the prover’s dis-ease. The mind rubrics are excellent as a starting point, but they are separating the body mind relationship on the deeper level which needs to be looked at more as a combination that finally creates the mistunement of the system.
Recommended Book: Van Zandvoort, Roger. The Complete Repertory Mind, 3rd Revised Edition, IRHIS, The Netherlands, 1998
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
As far as life is concerned, all dis-ease is a result of psychosomatic experiences. The narrative on the brain is very different when looking at the experience and the homeopathic response in remedies. We are using many chemicals and as a result the chemical we ingest as drugs or food will eventually take over our health system as a corrupted circuit or as something that our parents consumed at or around conception. Remedies from plant families like the Rubiaceae family which is quinine and coffee is a good place to start when trying to understand how our bodies will use drug like substances to activate joy and other happy experiences and then because of the chemical imbalance of this substance will leave us fatigued and unable to experience anything but boredom. The chemical imbalance is one that is part of the mental state of the totality of symptoms of certain remedy families.
All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.
The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.